Roast Beef Crostini
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Day old wholemeal unsliced bread 1 slice
2 Butter clarified 25 g
3 Horseradish cream 2.5 g
4 Sour cream 50 g
5 Beef Sirloin Roasted to Rare 50 g
6 Spring Onion 1 sprig

Put bread in freezer for 30 min to firm up.
Roast beef, rest and cool.
Slice bread lengthways, Pullman slice, 5mm thickness. Toast on one side under salamander.
Brush clarified butter on the untoasted side, toast the buttered side. Let the toast cool.
Remove crusts and cut into shapes (do not remove crusts if using a cutter) cover with plastic so they do not dry out.
Mix horseradish and cream, slice spring onions on a large angle thinly.
Place horseradish onto crouton and then roast beef. Top with garnish, serve