Rice cake with Smoked trout
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Short grain sushi rice 1/2 cup
2 Egg 1/2
3 Greek yoghurt 60 ml
4 Smoked Rainbow trout 50 g
5 Cream cheese 50 g
6 Dill 1/8 bunch
7 Clarified butter 30 g
8 Baby capers 5 g

Place rice in large pot with 1 cup cold water. Bring to boil, stir, then reduce heat to simmer (covered) for 12 minutes until water is absorbed. Remove from heat.
Transfer rice to a bowl, add beaten egg, yoghurt and seasoning. Stir.
Spoon into a paper lined shallow baking tray, spread out the mix and press down firmly until the rice is even and 5mm deep.
Cover tray with foil, bake for 10 minutes @ 180C, remove foil and bake a further 5 minutes.
Allow to cool completely. Once cool, use a round cookie cutter to cut the rice into small rounds.
Flake smoked trout gently, remove all bones.
Chop dill finely and mix through the cream cheese and season. Roll into log shape and chill 30 minutes to set. Place on top of the rice cake and garnish with trout and baby capers.