Parmesan Cheese Cracker with Goats Cheese Mousse and Red Pepper Relish
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Spanish onion fine diced 50 g
2 oil 15 ml
3 red capsicum 1
4 tomatoes concasse 2
5 olive oil 25 ml
6 garlic cloves minced 1/2
7 long red chillies seeds removed 1
8 malt vinegar 25 ml
9 brown sugar 75 g
10 salt 1/4 tsp

Parmesan Tuille
80g freshly grated parmesan

Place grated parmesan onto greaseproof paper and form into shapes either using a cutter or stencil make sure they are small you are making Canapés!
Bake until lightly golden at 180 degrees. Do not overcook as they will become bitter if they are too dark
Once cool place into airtight container to prevent them from going soft

Goats cheese Mousse
40g goats cheese
10g cream

Soften cheese and mix with cream until smooth
Season and place into fridge until ready to use

Rub capsicum with oil, then roast capsicum in hot oven until blackened on all sides Place capsicum in a stainless steel bowl, covered in cling wrap, leave 5 minutes. To steam so the skin will be easy to remove. Remove skin and seeds of capsicum, Chop into 5mm dice. Sauté onion in oil until transparent and well cooked, add garlic and chilli and fry 1 minute. Add concasse and capsicum and cook 2 minutes. Add vinegar, sugar and salt, cook on very low heat 30 - 40 minutes Or until thickened and pulpy. Pour into a sterilised jar and use as required.

To finish place goats cheese mousse onto cheese cracker, top with red capsicum jam and garnish with some fresh herbs