Satay Chicken Skewers
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Chicken thigh 250 g
2 Bamboo skewers 6
3 Onion, finely diced 1
4 Peanut oil 20 ml
5 Peanut butter, crunchy 130 g
6 Curry powder 1 tsp
7 Chicken Stock 250 ml
8 Garlic, crushed 1 clove
9 Sugar 5 g
10 Dark soy sauce 40 ml
11 Lemon juice 30 ml
12 Coconut milk 150 ml
13 Steamed rice 160 g

Soak bamboo skewers for 1 hour so that they do not burn when cooking. Cut the chicken thighs
evenly into 6 slices and thread each piece onto the end of a skewer.
Mix the soy sauce, lemon juice and garlic together and marinate the chicken skewers for 1-2
Hours. To make the sauce, gently sauté the onion in the peanut oil until it is lightly coloured.
Add the curry powder and fry 1 minute. Add the peanut butter, stir to combine, then add the
stock. Add sugar and coconut milk, bring to a gentle simmer. Do not boil as the sauce will split.
Season to taste. Simmer gently until correct consistency.
To serve, cook the skewers on a char grill, place on top of hot steamed rice, and top with satay sauce, 3 skewers per serve.