Coriander Pesto Pasta
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Dried pasta 50 g
2 coriander 1/2 bunch
3 oil 20 ml
4 pears 1
5 cashew nuts 30 g
6 oil 80 ml
7 sugar to taste
8 goats cheese 10 g
9 prosciutto 30 g
10 Croutons diced 5mm 1 slice bread
11 Parmesan cheese whole grated 30 g

Drizzle pears with oil and season.
Roast pear wedges in oven until soft and caramelised.
Panfry croutons in clarified butter until golden. Set aside on paper to drain.
Crisp prosciutto under salamander and set aside. Cook pasta until al dente in
plenty of salted boiling water, refresh, coat in oil and set aside.
Process coriander, cashews, and pears in robocoup. Add enough oil to come to desired
consistency (should be runny enough to coat pasta well without sticking). Add sugar as needed to taste, check seasoning.
To serve, reheat pasta in boiling salted water, toss through pesto sauce, goats cheese, prosciutto, grated parmesan croutons and serve immediately.