Salmon Poached in Court Bouillon
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 cold water 1 L
2 white wine 50 ml
3 carrots 30 g
4 onion 30 g
5 bay leaf 1
6 peppercorns 4
7 parsley stalks 10 g
8 salt 5 g
9 dill 2 springs
10 Salmon fillet 100 g

Court Bouillon is flavoured acidulated water used for poaching. White wine can be
exchanged for vinegar or lemon juice, and flavourings can be adjusted to suit the
product to be poached.

Slice carrot and onion roughly, place all ingredients except Salmon in a suitable pot,
bring to boil and simmer 10 minutes. Turn heat down so the water is just moving,
add Salmon and poach approximately 5 minutes or until just done. Serve with fresh lemon wedges.