Asparagus with Poached Egg and Lemon Vinaigrette
1 Portion
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1 asparagus 1/2 bunch
2 egg 1
3 white vinegar 50 ml
4 lemon juice 10 ml
5 Dijon mustard 1/2 tsp
6 olive oil 30 ml

Make vinaigrette dressing by whisking together lemon juice, oil and mustard.
Trim asparagus to plate size (keep asparagus trimmings), and set aside.
Heat water and vinegar to simmering, stir to move water in a whirlpool.
Drop egg in quickly and gently, make sure water does not move past poaching temperature.
Drain egg on absorbent paper, boil asparagus quickly, drain and serve.
Serve asparagus on plate topped by poached egg, drizzled with lemon dressing.