Roast Chicken
1 Portion
1 Chicken size 13 1
2 carrot mirepoix 80 g
3 celery mirepoix 80g 80 g
4 onion mirepoix 80 g
5 oil 70 ml
6 thyme 1 sprig
7 lemon 1 whole

Preheat oven to 210C. Wash and dry chicken inside and out. Season inside of chicken
and place thyme and lemon inside cavity. Truss chicken neatly using butchers string.
Place chicken in roasting pan on top of mirepoix, drizzle with oil and season.
Start chicken in hot oven, turning down to 180C after chicken has started to brown,
basting chicken every 10 mins. Chicken will take approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.
Test for doneness using the thermometer, or tilting chicken and looking at cavity juices, if they are clear the
bird is cooked; if still pink the chicken needs more time. You can also pierce near the thigh bone and check for clear juices. Carve and serve