Satay Chicken skewers served with pineapple relish
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 chicken breast 80 g
2 bamboo skewers 3 (12cm)
3 Jimmy satay sauce 1/2 tbsp
4 dry shrimps finely chopped 1/4 tsp
5 smooth peanut butter 1/2 tsp
6 garlic 1/4 tsp
7 sugar ½ tsp
8 turmeric powder ¼ tsp
9 curry powder ¼ tsp

Satay Paste (half recipe marinated chicken and the other half for dipping sauce)

Dipping sauce
10ml coconut milk
½ tbsp water
Pleace above ingredients into half recipe of satay paste.

Pineapple relish

50g pineapple, cored and cut into small chunks (0.5cm)
1 tsp red capsicum, diced (0.5 cm)
1/8 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
1/2 tsp finely chopped lemongrass
½ tbsp coriander, chopped
1.5 tsp palm sugar
1/2 tsp fish sauce
1/2 lime and juice
½ lime and zest
Mix together the pineapple, capsicum, chilli, lemongrass and coriander in a bowl. In a separate bowl dissolve the sugar, fish sauce and lime juice. Add to the pineapple mix. Transfer to serving bowl.

1. Soak the bamboo skewers in warm water and leave it for 30 minutes or overnight.
2. Dice the chicken and marinate with half quantity of the above homemade satay paste for 2 hours. Leave the other half portion of satay paste to make dipping satay sauce.
3. To make dipping satay sauce: pour the coconut milk and water into other half of satay paste and bring to boil.
4. Thread the chicken onto the bamboo skewers.
5. Cook the chicken on medium heat, grill with one minute on each side and finish in the oven for about 12 minutes. Serve with dipping satay sauce, prawn chips and pineapple relish.