Char Sui pork
1 Portion
1 Pork neck 100 g
2 Salt 3 g
3 soy sauce 1/4 tsp
4 sugar 15 g
5 five spice powder 1/6 tsp
6 Chinese red food colour powder Pinch

1. Cut pork into 1.5cm slice, do not trim pork neck.
2. Combine all other ingredients in a bowl and mix well into a marinade.
3. Using gloves, rub the marinade all over the pork, cover with cling film and sit in the fridge for at least 1 hour.(prefer overnight)
4. Put the pork onto the rack in an oven tray with 200ml water on the tray.
5. Place pork into the oven for ½ hour on 160 degrees.
6. Allow to rest before slicing.