Shanghai wonton with chicken broth
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 pork minced 100 g
2 salt 1/4 tsp
3 soy sauce 1/2 tsp
4 shallot 1
5 fine grated fresh ginger 1/4 tsp
6 egg ½
7 Wonton skin 6

300ml chicken stock
1/8 small heads of Bok Choy washed
1 drop sesame oil
1 pinch of white pepper
½ tsp shallots, finely chopped

1. In a large saucepan, combine all broth ingredients except for Bok Choy. Cook gently on a low simmer for 2 minutes.
2. Mix the pork, salt, soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine, chopped spring onions and ginger. Add a little water to make the filling juicy.
3. Place a small teaspoon of the meat mixture in the middle of each round Wonton skin.
4. Dampen the edges with water and seal them together to Wonton.
5. Steamed the wonton for about 5 minutes. Set side.
6. Add Wonton and Bok Choy and simmering in the chicken both for about 15 seconds and serve. (adjust seasoning)