Bombe Alaska / Genoise Sponge
1 Portion
Sample Photo Sample Photo
1 Eggs 5
2 Sugar 150 g
3 Flour, medium 150 g
4 Butter, melted, cool 50 g
5 Vanilla to taste

1. Drum up a 16cm cake ring (don’t spray the ring)
2. Sieve flour
3. Whisk eggs, sugar and flavour over bain marie until it reaches 35 - 40°C
4. Transfer to kitchen aid bowl and whip until full volume is reached on high speed
5. Turn down to medium speed until sabayon is thick and strong and holds a figure 8
6. Fold in the dry ingredients quickly
7. Fold in the cooled melted butter quickly and without collapsing the sponge
8. Pour into the cake ring, bake at 200°C for approximately 30 minutes
9. Cool in the blast chiller, or cool room
10. Run a knife around the cake ring to remove the sponge
11. Cut cake into 4 layers, cut each layer into 3 rings the same size as the sphere moulds