Peanut Butter Parfait
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Egg yolks 9
2 Caster sugar 250 g
3 Water 250 ml
4 Cream, thickened, whipped (1) 280 ml
5 Peanut butter, smooth 75 g
6 Cream, thickened (2) 70 ml

1. Prepare loaf tins with plastic wrap or silicon paper, leaving an overhang to assist with pulling the parfait out, alternatively use silicon friand moulds
2. Place yolks, sugar and water into a bowl, whisk together
3. Whisk over a bain marie continuously until sabayon stage is achieved
4. Remove from the heat and place in a kitchen aid bowl,
5. Whisk until cold
6. Whisk together cream (2) and peanut butter
7. Add to cold sabayon and whisk to combine
8. Fold soft whipped cream (1) into sabayon mixture
9. Pour into moulds and freeze until hard
10. Slice to serve