Praline Bavarois
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Milk 500 ml
2 Vanilla essence to taste
3 Egg yolks 5
4 Sugar 150 g
5 Leaf gelatine, bloomed 20 g
6 Cream, semi whipped 500 ml

1. Bring milk and vanilla to the boil, reserve 50ml
2. Whisk together the yolks and sugar, add 50ml cold milk to combine
3. Whisk in boiling milk slowly, mix well
4. Return to the pan and cook gently, stirring continuously until the mixture coats the back of a spoon
5. Add the bloomed gelatine to the hot mixture, stir until dissolved
6. Pass through a fine strainer into a bowl, cool, stirring occasionally
7. Whip the cream to soft peaks, fold through the anglaise just before setting point
8. Fold through 75g praline
9. Pour into moulds greased lightly with almond oil (can be any shape, even a rectangular tin for cutting into shapes once set). Silicon friande moulds are great to use (don’t need oiling) freeze these until hard, pop out onto a tray and chill for later use.