Chocolate soufflé
1 Portion
Sample Photo
1 Butter (1) 20 g
2 Caster sugar (1) 20 g
3 Milk 125 ml
4 Chocolate, grated 45 g
5 Vanilla essence to taste
6 Flour 40 g
7 Butter (2) 50 g
8 Caster sugar (2) 40 g
9 Egg yolks, beaten 4
10 Egg whites 5
11 Caster sugar (3) 35 g
12 Icing sugar as required to dredge

1. Grease two large ceramic soufflé moulds with butter (1) and coat with sugar (1) and set aside.
2. Place the milk, grated chocolate and vanilla essence into a pan and bring to the boil
3. Sift the flour.
4. Cream the butter (2) and sugar (2) until white and fluffy. Mix in the sifted flour to form a smooth paste.
5. Slowly add the boiled chocolate milk to the butter, sugar and flour mixture, while whisking vigorously.
6. Pour the mixture into a clean pan and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes to the boil, and then for a further 2 – 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
7. Add the beaten egg yolks and beat into the mixture well
8. Whisk the egg whites to firm peak, adding ¼ of the sugar (3) at the beginning of the whisking, add the rest gradually once the whites are to 90% of firm peak
9. Add a quarter of the meringue to the chocolate mix, stir well
10. Gently fold in the remainder of the meringue, taking care not to collapse the meringue
11. Distribute between the soufflé moulds, wipe straight across the top of each mould with a palette knife, run your thumb around the edge of each to give a clean rise.
12. Bake at 200°C for 15 – 25 minutes in a solid oven with no fan. Soufflé is ready when the sides of the risen soufflé above the rim seem dry and not wet. Do not open the oven during the first 15 minutes.
13. Dredge the top with icing sugar and serve immediately
Ensure plates are decorated and ready before soufflé comes out of the oven. Soufflé’s are usually served with a sauce or an ice cream.
This recipe is the basic panada soufflé – change the chocolate for any other flavour in the milk.